Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Chan YY, Sandlin SK, Kurzrock EA. (2017) Urological Outcomes of Myelomeningocele and Lipomeningocele. Current Urological Reports. 2017 May;18(5):35. doi: 10.1007/s11934-017-0684-9. Review.



Spina bifida is caused by incomplete neural tube closure during the first trimester. This condition may lead to bowel and bladder dysfunction as well as truncal weakness and motor anomalies. Presentations vary between myelomeningoceles and lipomeningoceles and may result in different outcomes. This review seeks to explore our current understanding of the variations in outcomes between individuals with myelomeningocele and lipomeningocele.


Prenatal intervention has become a standard of care for prenatal diagnoses of myelomeningocele and has been shown to reduce shunt placement and improve motor skills. However, urological benefit from early intervention remains to be seen. Early surgical repair, however, may be beneficial for patients with lipomeningocele. Literature on the urological outcomes of patients with myelomeningocele and lipomeningocele is lacking. Further research is needed to better elucidate differences in long-term urological outcomes between these two pathologies.

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